Copenhagen once again ranked a green leader
As the official European Green Capital 2014, Copenhagen is known as a green destination, and now, ARCADIS Sustainable Cities Index ranks Copenhagen number 3 out of 50 cities across 31 countries.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
The ARCADIS Sustainable Cities Index explores the three demands of People, Planet and Profit to develop an indicative ranking of 50 of the world's leading cities, and Copenhagen is ranked as an overall third.
The Danish capital consistently ranks in the top on various sustainability indexes, such as the Global Green Economy Index, which ranks Copenhagen as the greenest city in the world in its latest edition.
Copenhagen also recently won a World Smart Cities Award for having the world’s best plan for the collection and use of big data to create a greener city and improve the quality of life.
Green meetings
Copenhagen’s green profile is evident in its meeting product as well, and Copenhagen has earned the nickname ‘Capital of Sustainable Meetings’.
Copenhagen solidified its position as a green meetings destination when the city hosted the first ever eco-certified Danish EU Presidency in 2012 and the United Nations Climate Summit (COP15) in 2009.
The local meetings industry in Copenhagen works targeted to implement sustainability into both their ‘hardware’ and events.
Under the parole: ‘Be the change you want to see in the world’ Wonderful Copenhagen CVB and partners in the Copenhagen meetings industry, launched the #BeeSustain initiative asking all meeting professionals to share sustainable actions and best practices using the #BeeSustain hashtag.
Now, the hashtag has exceeded an impressive tweet reach of 5,5 million, and the buzz continues to grow.
About the ARCADIS Sustainable Cities Index
The ARCADIS Sustainable Cities Index is the first of its kind, compiled by the Centre for Economics and Business Research. It assesses 50 global cities across 31 countries according to the three demands of People, Planet and Profit, evaluating how well each city caters to its population socially, environmentally and economically.
People: Measures social performance including quality of life.
Planet: Captures environmental factors such as pollution and energy emissions.
Profit: Assesses business performance and economic performance.
Read more about the index and see the full ranking here.