Via Hansa & Borealis

Meetingplace får nyt DMC-medlem

Foto: Via Hansa & Borealis

Via Hansa & Borealis en af nordens førende DMC’er og kan se frem til fejre sit 20-års jubilæum næste år. Nu har virksomheden meldt sig ind i Meetingplace, og i den forbindelse har vi talt med deres CEO, Marcella Infantino om deres baggrund, og hvad de håber at få ud af samarbejde

Q: Can you tell us a bit about your company and what you do? 

“I founded the company in 2004 with my best friend Hans Aldal. We both came from a long career in American Express inbound and MICE department.  I have been in the DMC industry since 1986, and we founded at the time Borealis DMC as we saw a business opportunity to cater for the high-end and luxury industry.  

In 2018, we merged with Via Hansa, owned by another good friend Hans-Henrik Kjølby with whom we had been collaborating very closely since the early 90s. The MICE segment has always been a highly prioritised segment in our organisation, with a dedicated team of highly skilled professionals exclusively catering for the MICE industry. Our leisure department is committed to the high-end and luxury segments. Our expertise lies in creating tailored experiences, showcasing the diverse cultural heritage, natural beauty, and unique attractions of Northern Europe and the Baltic region with a very authentic and distinguished approach.  

Based on our geographical presence with several local offices, we are proud of the extensive network we have with our local partners and communities, especially in the Arctic Circle, where we are working from three different locations after Rauno Posio joined the company as a partner and Chair of the Board in 2020.”  

Q: How long have you had a presence in Copenhagen? 

“Next year calls for wonderful celebrations as we reach our 20th anniversary on November 1st, 2024. We have not yet finally decided how we will mark this extraordinary milestone, but we already feel the pressure!” 

Q: What Copenhagen products resonate well with your clients?  

“Immersive, authentic experiences and everything that connects our guests to the Art of Nordic Living.”  

Q: Why did you decide to join Meetingplace, and what do you see as potential collaborations with other members of the network? 

“As one of the most established DMCs in the Nordic region, Via Hansa & Borealis holds a significant position in the MICE sector. We consider it our duty and honour to actively support the city that served as the birthplace of our organisation. Following the challenges posed by the pandemic, our alliance with key players in the Nordic tourism industry has notably strengthened. Our overarching goal emphasises fostering enduring partnerships, and collaboration stands as a fundamental pillar upon which our brand and mission are constructed. Our existing fruitful partnerships within our network instil confidence that our membership will further enhance these valuable connections."


Læs mere om Via Hansa & Borealis.